CR1 Spousal Visa is the immigrant visa granted to the foreign spouses of the US residents. CR represents the conditional residency. This means that the holder has the legal right to stay within the boundaries of the United States of America continuously for a period of 2 years on certain predetermined conditions. The good part of this visa is that the individuals concerned can apply for the removal of the conditions, before 90 days of the expiry date of the visa. Here, they will get a regular 10-year Green Card. The spouse who stays in America is the petitioner, and the spouse who lives in another country is the beneficiary.
However, for applying for the CR1 Spousal Visa, there are some main conditions. Only when these conditions agree, the visa process will be carried out.
• The applicant must be an American citizen or a permanent resident. For Green Card holders the process will take much more time.
• The applicant must be an adult. He or she must be more than 18 years of age.
• The applicant must be officially married. Remember, the new trend of ‘living together’ is not considered for issuing CR1. Of course, bachelors and bachelorettes are not entitled to this visa.
• Minimum income requirement is a must; however, this varies according to the state laws. The other factors considered are the number of members in the house and the number of sponsored people.

ApCR1 Spousal Visa – Things to Consider
When the applicant follows the required processes for applying for the CR1 Spousal Visa as it should be, the spouse who lives in another country can finish the entire procedures even by staying outside the US. The affidavit of support that one must use is 1-134. The embassy will ask for the original petition and the related documents from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). You will have to file only the I-130 form. One can file the application for the CR1 Spousal Visa by staying abroad. The processing time can be anywhere between 5 to 10 months. There will be an interview at the embassy for finalizing the visa proceedings. A consular official will conduct the interview, and the venue will be the nearest American embassy in the spouse’s country. The main thing that the interviewer will want to make sure is the authenticity of the applicant. When the officer gives the consent for the same, very soon the passport of the applicant will be stamped the allotted visa.
The entire proceedings are very simple and if you have the assistance of a professional immigration specialist, things will become less complicated. Moreover, the applicant will get the status of ‘Permanent Resident’ on arrival in the country. When the beneficiary arrives via a US POE (Port of Entry), he or she will be entitled to the ‘Green Card’, which they will receive in the given US address, very soon. In all probabilities, this will happen within a few weeks itself. Having said that, doing all the related works will be really an onerous task for individuals. Therefore, it will be practically helpful to the applicants to hire a professional immigration company. However, the company must be experienced and must possess in-depth knowledge regarding the paperwork and all other related formalities. By this way, you can stay away from the possible flaws that may creep into your application or the other documentation.
CR1 Spousal Visa – How to Hire an Experienced Company?
The main thing that one will have to take note of while hiring a specialized company for immigration is the practical experience. When a company possesses rich experience in dealing with the various formalities that are related to the immigration process, one can take the company as dependable. One can find such companies easily: just search through Google. Within seconds, you will get the web addresses of various companies. However, you must visit the websites and pick a professional company by taking into consideration the experience and the costs involved.
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